Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Old Friend David, the Sperminator?

I just received this email from David Anderson:

Subject: Anderson 3-peat, the quiver is full!

Yesterday during the ultrasound we saw 3 bodies and 3 heartbeats. Nancy and I are going to have triplets. Praise God! We are very excited and very anxious. Pray for these 3 wonderful lives that God has given us. Pray that they would live and they would love Christ. She is only 10 weeks along.

Holy &^%*. I'm speechless. I immediately called David on the phone, wondering if maybe he was pulling my leg as I'd just spent the morning with Nancy on Saturday and she told me she was pregnant again but didn't look any bigger in the belly than any other nearly-12-week pregnant woman. But nope, it's for real. And an au naturale impregnation, to boot--no drugs! David asked specifically for prayer that all three babies would thrive and live, as this is of course a risky pregnancy, and also for Nancy's state of mind. When these little Andersons join the world outside the womb they'll be making it a family of SEVEN--with all 5 kids under the age of 5. If I were Nancy I'd be going lead-in-the-hatband cuh-razy right about now . . .


Kellyry said...


b said...

Ditto that. I would shoot myself. Oops, I mean: "children are a blessing from God."

DeniseMarie said...

Hahaha. I'm with you, B.

Molly W. said...

OMG..wow...I think I'm speechless as I sit here typing listening to my ONE child whine in the background and am slightly irritated.

Kellyry said...

Seriously, I think I would want to shoot myself as well, thinking, "This isn't how this was supposed to go!"

Blessings from God indeed...