Monday, September 24, 2007

Shopping Spree

You know what's fun? Getting married. (Clarification: The actual getting married part, not all the planning and leading-up-to parts.) You know what else is fun? Getting wedding presents. But you know what is even more fun than that? Waiting until months and months after the wedding excitement has died down and then one day collecting all the gift cards you were given and going out and buying a whole bunch of stuff with them. Since our 6th Lunarversary and Matt's knee surgery are fast approaching, we decided on Saturday to brave the mall and close out our wedding registries while our discounts were still valid and Matt was still able to walk without the use of crutches and, you know, do manly things (i.e. carry heavy bags). We came home with a carload of stuff. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. Matt was slightly less excited. This is what he looked like while I was a mere 5 feet away on the living room floor, ripping into the many boxes and packages. Seriously, how could he remain so blase? When I was done, this is what we were left with to wash and put away in the kitchen. And this is what we were left with to stuff into the recycle bin. Another nice thing about all of this? Being reminded yet again what truly outstanding, generous, loving, thoughtful friends and family we have. We're so blessed. And so happy to have new pots and pans.


Kellyry said...

More loot! We love us some loot. Love really is everything it's cracked up to be, isn't it. :-)

b said...

That is exactly the word I was going to use, Kelly. LOOT.

I really don't think there is any better loot in the whole wide world, than Crate & Barrell/William Sonoma/any other really nice kitchen-type loot. It's out of this world, awesome. Seriously, even a big bag of great toiletries--creams & potions, makeup, etc. comes second to kick-ass kitchen loot.And to buy it all at no cost to yourself--prepaid gift cards the whole way!!!

I'm green with appreciation for your new stuff!!!!

b said...

P.S. Matt looks exactly the way that Mike would in that situation. What is wrong with guys that they don't see how great this is?

b said...

P.S.S. I do think, however, that you would see the very same reaction on Mike if he got to bring home bags and bags of tools, saws, drills, metal things and benches, etc. He would be a very, very happy boy indeed.

DeniseMarie said...

Oh, lordy, I can imagine that, as Matt would also be flying high if we'd come home with a trunk full of bolts and wood and sharp and/or greasy garage-type things. And I, meanwhile, would be on the sofa nonchalantly flipping through a cookbook or watching ANTM. Sigh. I just don't understand men. Of course, he'll be giddy as a schoolboy the first time I cook something yummy using all those nice new kitchen tools.....

Molly W. said...

I LOVE my calpahlon pots and pans...nice purchase Denise. :)...and Matt!

DeniseMarie said...

Do you have these same ones, Molly (contemporary nonstick)? If so (or even if not) I'd love your opinion and any tips you have on using them effectively. I wanted a good nonstick set but didn't really know where to begin or which brand or style might be best. We chose these because they were $$$ enough to elicit our trust that they're decent, but not so $$$ that we'd be afraid to use them. I used the small frying pan Sunday morning to make eggs and it worked great and cleaned up extremely easily. So I'm hoping we made a good choice with them. (The set also came with "bonus gifts" of an asparagus steamer and a gigantic dutch oven that I have no idea what to do with...but we were excited by them just because they were "free.")

Kellyry said...

OooOO! A Dutch Oven! You can do lots of things in a Dutch oven...braise a roast, make soups or chili...That's a fun bonus pan.