Monday, August 13, 2007

Misty Water-Colored Memories

One year ago today, my sweetheart led me on a hike up into Griffith Park, settled me on a cozy bench overlooking the valley, and asked me to marry him. Awh! And I said yes, of course. The best decision I've ever made. I love you, Bug.


Kellyry said...

I realize you're newlyweds and all, but can I tell you how much it warms my heart when I hear couples say that marrying their spouse was the best decision they ever made?

It does, my cockles are all toasty right now.

DeniseMarie said...

We're happy to be the source of warmed cockles. :)

Molly W. said...

So funny Denise...Adam and I refer to each other as "bug" too...ahh, so sweet. :)