Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday Morning Meltdown headline: Big-rig Crash Slows 210 in Pasadena "Slows"? Slows?!?!?!?!?!! It took me 2 and a half hours to get to work this morning. And it's a 19-mile commute. 19 miles!!! Thats 7.6 miles per hour, in case you were curious. And for, oh, I'd say about 18 of those miles I had to go to the bathroom. And had cramps with no Advil anywhere within the confines of the car.

Needless to say, I'm in a bad mood.

And my hatred for big-rig trucks has deepened considerably.


Kellyry said...


b said...

Sorry to hear about your sucky commute. Big rigs really are a major pain and they should have their own roads. I acknowledge that they perform a valuable service to society, but they drive as if they own the roads and it no longer feels safe to drive a normal sized car. I've nearly been killed by big rigs several times just in the past few months.PTL for His protection.

Cheer up, friend! Me and Audrey LOOVe you.