Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I had to follow Kell and B's leads, join the fun, and throw out into Internet abyss my contribution to the "one word description" tag list:

Your favorite item: Teddy
Yourself: Blessed
Your partner: Adorable
Your hair: Flat
Your dream last night: Unmemorable
Your favorite drink: Milk
Your dream car: Solar
Dream home: Spotless
The room you are in: Uninspiring
Your fear: Abandonment
Where you want to be in 10 years: Parenting
Who you hung out with last night: Myself
You're not: Patient
One of your wish list items: D80
The last thing you did: Typed
You are wearing: Basics
Your favorite weather: Fall-ish
Your favorite book: Engaging
Last thing you ate: Provolone
Your life: Luverly
Your mood: Placid
Your best friend: Abundant
What are you thinking about right now: Friends
Your car: Otto
What are you doing at the moment: Procrastinating
Relationship status: Sadie
What is on your t.v: Wii
When is the last time you laughed: Today
When is the last time you cried: Forgotten


Kellyry said...

Really, a solar car? Go D!

I don't get "Relationship status: Sadie"...What does Sadie mean?

Molly W. said... reading these things. :) And THANK YOU DENISE for your kind words on my blog! I assure you...that picture, is 99% about the jeans and 1% about my legs. (and I'm not being was however money well spent! :))

DeniseMarie said...

I'm a "Sadie, Sadie Married Lady," of course! Really, Kelly, I love you but your dearth of knowledge of movie classics (in this case Funny Girl) is shameful. What would the GRE folks say!?!? :) Let's add it to the list for our Fall Movie Marathon day!

As for you, Miss Molly, I just can't accept that "99% pants" argument of yours. Unless you purchased them using magic beans from a sorcerer specializing in sexy slimming/elongating spells. Take full credit for those hot limbs! (And someday when I've gotten busy on meeting my Weight Watchers goals, tell me where you really did buy those jeans. Every girl should own a pair.)

And don't give me too much credit for my "solar dream car," as the main reason I said that is because I'm tired of paying for gasoline. Arg. That's money that could be better spent at Sephora, dammit! Or, er, I mean donating to charity....

Kellyry said...

I thought the expression was "Sadie the PAINTED lady" which could also fit with that money you would like to save to spend at Sephora...

And sorry Molls but I gotta rule with D on this one: you do have great legs, even out of those jeans.

b said...

Milk is your favorite drink?!!!

Man, after all these years you think you know a girl...