Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My 100th Post!

Yes, kids, it''s true: I've managed to find 100 different mindless, inane, oftentimes uninteresting things to chatter about aimlessly. What's even harder to believe is that many of you keep coming back to read about them. Because Bossy of i am bossy and Craig of Puntabulous are so much wittier and entertaining than I, to commemorate my 100th post I'm sending you away from my little old blog to read this hilarious post. (I think Bossy won the debate, but I vote for Craig because I heart vanilla more than chocolate. How about you?)


Craig said...

Thanks! :-)

Congratulations on your 100th post! Keep it up!

Kellyry said...

FREAKING. HILARIOUS. Although Bossy made some good points, I think Craig won because, well, because he did. And because I prefer vanilla flavors to chocolate ones. And because I want to be contrary. Cause that's fun sometimes.

Kellyry said...

PS. Congrats on your 100th post! Although Puntabulous is fabulous, so are you.

DeniseMarie said...

Awh, shucks. Thanks.