Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dear Friend With Whom I'm Supposed to Go Shopping Tonight,

I feel I must warn you: You're going to be embarrassed to be seen in public with me tonight. You see, normally I leave the house for work at 7am, but this morning--because it was cold in the house but warm and cozy in my bed and my husband is working from home today so he was still there, too, and all fuzzy and huggy, but also just because I'm lazy--I didn't get out of the bed until 7am. Then I took a fast shower but had no time at all to do anything to my hair. And because it's rather wild and frizzy if left unattended, today it's sorta kinda contained in a ponytail with bits sticking out at odd angles and some short ones hanging down against my neck in the back. Don't get me started on the bangs. Thank the good Lord for headbands, huh? Then there's this other matter of not being able to wear eye makeup because of the whole getting over pinkeye thing.... So my eyes look like two teensy tiny little cranberries on a big old plate-sized pancake of a face. It's bad, and I apologize. Oh, one more thing: Because I was running late and was already feeling homely and disheveled with the hair and the lack of makeup, I threw on an old shirt that I discovered later has a stain on the front. I'm sorry. I'll understand if you want to pretend like you don't know me.

Your friend,


Kellyry said...

I feel confident to reassure you that your friend will not at all mind, so long as you don't mind the fact that her pants are ill-filling and her fingernails are still tinted dark brown after coloring another friend's hair recently.

Yes, I'm sure your friend will be just fine acknowledging your presence.

DeniseMarie said...

So glad to hear it.

Molly W. said...

Sorry Kel...and Denise. :)