Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hi folks! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Audrey. I have my Uncle Matt and Auntie Denise (otherwise known as Ung and Nene) wrapped around my little finger on account of my being so cute and all. This weekend I was at their place, and Nene snapped a whole mess of pictures of me with her new camera (which she'll blog about later, I'm sure). She caught me doing some of my favorite things. Like loving on my bestest pal, Bling. And reading, of course, which is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I'm telling you, kids, I L-O-V-E love books, and I really get into them. Which is why Nene should have known better than to put me down for my morning nap while my crib was pushed right up against her bookshelf. When she came to get me, I'd pulled a bunch of them down to peruse and was deeply engrossed in this one: Did I mention that it was Easter Sunday morning? But for those of you out there who are judging me right now, thinking that I'm naughty, shouldn't the real question be why would my Nene keep such a book in a home where a toddler is present? For shame, people! For shame.


Kellyry said...

For shame, indeed! That book title is cracking me up.

Audrey is such a sweetie pie, I just want to squeeze her all day long!

b said...

Absolutely falling-down hilarious. Yes, Nene, why would you keep such a book? Is it a good read?

DeniseMarie said...

It's about booze, cigs, sex, and other bad behavior--of course it's a good read!

(Actually, I don't even remember why I have this book. I got it in college for some reason or another.)