Monday, May 28, 2007

Before & After: Kitchen Sink

Aside from a lovely break Saturday night to attend a dinner party hosted by the incomparable Kelly Shaw, we spent our Memorial Day weekend working on home improvement projects. The first task was replacing the kitchen sink, faucet, and garbage disposal.

Here's the before--an old, stained, scratched, and slightly chipped porcelain sink:

Here's the during--Matt spent a lot of time uncomfortably stuffed under the sink while I developed a fascination with plumber's putty.

And here's the beautiful after--our shiny new stainless steel sink (2" deeper than the old one, so we can finally fill water pitchers!) and faucet.

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

Wow! So pretty and shiny. Great job Matt! I'm impressed with the plumbing skills. Want a job? ;-)