Monday, June 11, 2007

Empty Nest

Saturday morning all five of our birds abandoned the nest. Matt was the first to notice that we were down to four birds, and when I checked on them myself they were standing on the edge of the wreath looking eager to take off. As soon as I shut the door I heard a swoosh, and it was done--the remaining four had flown off. Thank God. I couldn't wait to throw away that wreath and clean off the door. One of the birds wasn't quite ready to leave the safety of the porch, and so took refuge in our ficus tree for a couple of days.
But now he's gone, too, and we can again use our front door. While it was a unique experience to witness nature running its course, the miracle of life, blah, blah, blah, we will not be allowing critters of any kind to be making nests, dens, etc. on our porch next spring.

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

You have to throw out the wreath? Bummer. It's such a cute one, too!