Monday, June 4, 2007

Rock On, Baby Birds

Our birds now have '80s rocker 'dos. Or really bad bedhead. I've got to say, though, that while they physically may be getting cuter and less alien-like, the filth in which they live is across the board dis-gusting. This photo is cropped so closely in order to spare you the horror. Those of you who know me and the manner in which I'm used to keeping my house can understand the utter torture it is for me to allow my front door to be so defiled.


Kellyry said...

Weren't there 5 eggs at one point? I only see 4 beaks (the feathers all go together)...

I want to see the uncropped picture; I can take it.

DeniseMarie said...

Yes, there are still 5 birds. One of them was just sitting up high and wouldn't fit into the shot unless I was willing to show all the nastiness. Which I'm not. Mostly because I don't want to see it myself. You'll have to come over and see it live.