Monday, April 30, 2007

Gone to the Birds

I know spring is really here, because birds are trying to build a nest in the wreath on my front door. You can see that they've started to unravel the twigs in the bottom left area of the wreath, as that section used to be secured tightly like the rest and is now starting to come loose. I sat on the stairwell for longer than I care to admit, camera aimed at the door, waiting to catch a shot of the birds stuffing twigs and grass into the nooks and crannies. One of them flew in the door, saw me, and hightailed it back out so quickly that I couldn't get a shot...


Kellyry said...

I love that egg wreath; such beautiful colors.

We often had birds/nests in our wreaths on the front door. It would scare the crap out of us when we'd open the door and birds would get scared and fly out around the entry way and sometimes into the house. The baby birds were sweet.

b said...

Birds creep me out. I'd get rid of it. Granted, it's a gorgeous wreath but birds are just creepy.

DeniseMarie said...

agree--birds are shifty and dirty. And it did scare me half to death when I came around the corner and they were technically INSIDE the foyer, since the door was open. Once I realized I wasn't going to be able to get a shot of them with the camera, I destroyed their meager nest fixings and shut the door.