Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kitty Catty

Matt and I have been talking for a long while about getting a kitten--maybe even two. We both like having a pet, and a cat is so much more practical than a dog when you live in a townhouse and don't have a yard. Plus, they're CUTE. But we've decided to wait a little while until we're more settled into our married life routine and the house is back in order. I mentioned to my friend Jeannie that last night I'd dreamt someone gave me a kitty as a gift, and she sent me this photo. Thanks, Jeannie!


Kellyry said...

Oh. My. GOSH. PRECIOUS! I think I want a kitten too. I just want it to stay kitten sized small forever and ever.

DeniseMarie said...

I can hardly contain myself and have stopped trying to stop myself from petting the virtual kitty on the computer monitor. I want to go get a kitten RIGHT NOW.