Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm Famous, I Tell You

Just for the heck of it, I searched for "spacelady" on Google. I got tired of looking for myself after scanning page 3 of 35 . . . . But then I typed in "spacelady's planet," and guess who popped up in the #1 slot? ME.


Becky said...

Hi Denise!
I'm thrilled you sent me a comment! and not just because I want attention (hee hee). Of course I remember you. I had a blast at Phil and Carol's wedding (I had only known Martin for 5 months, so everyone was a new friend to me). and now we've been married almost 4 1/2 years. I'm trying to get a photo of Lillie onto my blog, but its not working (it takes me awhile to do anything technological, so maybe this week...but in the meantime, I always take suggestions and help!)
CONGRATS on your wedding. I have loved hearing about the courtship and engagement...and the photos are priceless. Many blessings to you both.
p.s. I ordered the Apple Pie Perfect cookbook based on your blog!! I'm so excited to get it next week (I used a gift card, so I can tell Martin that I didn't exactly buy it! hee hee)

DeniseMarie said...

Yay! You'll love the cookbook, I guarantee it. I bought it after having tasted the Caramel Apple Pie Carol made from it--yummmm.