Monday, July 9, 2007

Little Miss E

I'm having fun learning to make more subtle adjustments using Photoshop. For practice, I'm using some of my favorite shots of this little punkin, since she doesn't need much tweaking to make her look her best. Here are the side-by-side before and afters.


Plain Jane said...

That is amazing! I'm going to have to learn how to do this.

Suzanne Harmon Issa said...

This is really good! Just wait 'till you learn all the things you can do with colors and textures and the like ... try playing around with posterizing certain parts of the image or making certain areas look hand-sketched -- there is just SO MUCH you can so! Good luck and great job!

DeniseMarie said...

Hi Suzanne! (The circle is widening, as I swallow my pride and muster the courage to tell other friends about this silly old blog...) I fooled around with a couple of pictures trying to get the hand sketch effect, but I found that it worked best with shots that have pretty intense and vivid colors and I couldn't find any in my existing shots that would have a "wow" result. But I'm going to keep working on it.